Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm Back

Hey... I'm baaack!  April was a little tough on the Beckster and I didn't pay any attention to this journalistic masterpiece.  But now I have a few things to share.  First up is our new bed.  We were in bad, bad need of a new mattress.  We bought the new set and, of course, we HAD to have a new headboard.

I found the plans for this beauty at Knock Off Wood
 Have you been there yet?
Isn't it beeeaaauuutiful?  I took a few more pics just in case you wanted to see it 30 more times...

The top trim piece was suppose to be a 2X4.  However, I didn't feel like going to the feedlot, picking out a 2X4 most recently used for forming cement and then coming home and sanding the living tar out of it only to be questioned later by the farmer who may be missing said piece of lumber.  Sooo, you use what you have and the 1X4 was what I had and it turned out just fine.  Don't ya think?
The best part is the price.  Are you ready?  All the wood came from Menards.  I bought a few "select" pieces of wood {aka "Black Label" in Menards terms} but most pieces were out of the "quality" bins.  I had the stain and varnish so we don't count that as a cost, right? 
Drum roll......


I am so thrilled!  The best part was M's reaction.  He said that the kids will fight over it someday!  Did I marry the best guy ever, or what?  Ahhh...

Oooo... I can't forget the ugly little lamp.  Unfortunately, I didn't take before pictures so use your imagination.  It was a Habitat Restore treasure for $1.  It was yellow with a blue lamp shade.  After a coat of "Oil Rubbed Bronze" metallic spray paint and a charming new $8 lamp shade from Kmart, we have this-

I sure do enjoy "this little light of mine"!

Blessings - B


Janet said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the headboard! It is as beautiful as you described! Hope you are enjoying the new room!

B said...

Ahh... You're the best!

Sassmaster said...

That headboard is gorgeous, as is the lamp. I can't imagine a 2x4 on the top -- I think it looks awesome. Very Craftsman-style.