Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Halloween Mantel

So I drag all the boxes of Halloween Decor out of the storage closet in the basement on Thursday - that's the first step, ya know.  On Monday, #4 suggested that I might want to get something decorated and put things "back in their place".  I hate it when my own words come back to haunt me. 
{pun intended}

On Wednesday, we took action.

Instead of strewing it throughout our home, I/we decided to put most of the coolest stuff on the mantel in the a good blogger should do.  I always feel like a loser when I'm spending time perusing my favorite blogs and they are showing off their divinely decorated seasonal mantels and mine is empty, bare, deserted, get the point.

{ Keep in mind - there is no natural light at 7:30 in the evening in the basement. My attempts at editing the yellow out were not good.  Forgive me.}

Here's what we did.

Old birdcage found in the dumpster after an auction...I have no pride.
Cool old mirror from my summer trip to Indy.
The makeshift shelf came from above a big window in an abandoned house...yes, I did ask if I could have it.
The hurricane is filled with skeleton parts from the dollar store.
The crows are from Jo-Ann Fabrics.
I love crows!  Does anyone else have this obsession with crows?

The signs came from the dollar store for. . . a dollar each.

The "mantel scarf" is black cheesecloth that the kids had fun ripping apart.

#4 decorated his room with orange lights.  He couldn't wait to show his roommate . . . #1.
Oh, and he was especially excited to see #1's reaction when he found the spider that he had hidden under his sheets.  Ahhh, the beauty of being the little brother.

Happy haunting-


Janet said...

SOOO Cute! I'm TOTALLY that person that drools and dreams over all the cool pics on the blogs and then gets depressed at her own drab boring lifeless plain jane house! I have bought more &*%^ to copy projects than I dare to total, but alas, it lies piled high in the garage or storage room awaiting some crafty creative fairy to appear amongst the house. So far..... I got nothin'!

Sassmaster said...

My friend Roxy is all about the crows and recently posted this on Facebook:

Love the mantel -- it's super perfect and blog-tastic! Someone will be drooling over your stuff now! Plus that is a very cute picture of T.